[Introduction to Algorithms, CLRS] Exercises 2.3-3
2018. 1. 27. 20:57
This is a solution for Introduction to Algorithms. I write this for my study purpose.
Exercises 2.3-3
Use mathematical induction to show that when n is an exact power of 2, the solution of the recurrence
is T(n) = nlgn.
For base case, when n = 2, T(2) = 2lg2 = 2
When we suppose there's a n=2^k, such that k > 1, and it holds this equation, if n=2^(k+1) holds the equation too, then we can say that this equation holds in every case. So, by our assumption, T(2^k) = (2^k) lg (2^k).
T(2^(k+1) = 2T(2^(k+1)/2)+2^(k+1) = 2T(2^k)+2^(k+1) = 2(T(2^k)+2^k)=2( (2^k) lg (2^k) +2^k) = 2^(k+1) lg (2^(k+1)/2) + 2^(k+1)
= 2^(k+1) lg (2^(k+1))
Therefore, we can say that this equation holds for every n, such that n=2^k, for k > 1.