
  • Preparing a Saturn Presentation
    카테고리 없음 2015. 12. 31. 16:56

    Have you received a message that your proposal was accepted? In the acceptance message that I received included the feedback from the reviewer. I was a little nervous since I was not that sure if mine would be accepted. If you submit your proposal early enough, you'll get the feedback from the reviewer and submit yours again. In that case, you don't have to be nervous, I believe.

    Anyway, if you have received the acceptance message, now you need to prepare your own presentation. Thankfully, SATURN gives you a guide on presentation through their blog. (http://saturnnetwork.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/five-ways-to-make-your-presentation-stick-at-saturn-2012/) Main ideas in the post are as follows:

    1. Tell a story. 

    In other words, tell your experience and your own story to attract the audience.

    2. Know your audience.

    Your presentation should be easy enough for your audience to understand. You may achieve this by asking some questions at the beginning of your presentation.

    3. Make it matter.

    Many of SATURN attendees are who want to apply what they learned there back to their business environment. Therefore, please be specific on your personal experience and how your practice worked actually.

    4. Don’t let your slides do the talking.

    The audience came to your session to listen to your story not to read your slides, which means your slides be used an effective way of delivering your story. It is recommended to put visualized images and graph in your slides.

    5. Be confident.

    When you look confident and comfortable, people will listen carefully your presentation. Please do practice many times and use "pause", or "eye contacts" to deliver strong messages and show confidence.

    I have no idea of how much my presentation meets the criteria above, but I delivered my presentation and my slide deck can be downloaded from the Software Engineering Institute's website. (http://resources.sei.cmu.edu/library/asset-view.cfm?assetID=294111)

    At SATURN 2014, at the end of the event, two presentation awards were given to best presentations according to attendees' votes. This year the awards went to Technical chair, Michael Keeling's presentation and SEI research scientist, Rick Kazman' presentation. (http://saturnnetwork.wordpress.com/2014/05/09/saturn-2014-awards-conferred/)

    Many of sessions were very useful but some were not. Some presenters looked tired since they just landed. Some presenters did not have their slides on the screen. Some slides were marketing slides. Some slides had too many words in small font. The presentation width and height ratio was not 4:3.

    SEI may require me to send my slide at least ten days ahead but you can revise yours until your session. They prepared a Windows laptop but you can use your own.

    If you are a SATURN presenter this year, I wish you a... GOOD LUCK!!! :)


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